What is Campos Seguros?

Campos Seguros is a project to better serve farm workers in our community. The farm workers community, especially those who are victims of domestic violence and assault, face many barriers in seeking help from different social services, some of these barriers include: lack of knowledge about the services, language access barriers, and cultural competency. Monarch Services Prevention Specialist provides education and information to empower farm workers to reach out and seek services that are available to them.

A 2010 survey of 150 farm worker women in California’s Central Valley found that 80 percent had experienced some form of sexual harassment, while a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center found that a majority of their 150 interviewees had also experienced sexual harassment.

Farmworkers are not immune to domestic violence a study conducted by the Migrant Clinicians Network on the knowledge, CS3attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors held by migrant men with respect to intimate partner violence found that 67% thought partner abuse was a big problem in their communities. According to the NAWS 2009-1010 data, about 24% of farm workers are estimated to be female. About 3% are under 18.



Monarch Services implemented Campos Seguros at several ranches in the Pajaro Valley area in 2013. Prevention staff are available to come out early in the morning, lunch, breaks, or after work to conduct presentations. Monarch Services is doing as much outreach as possible to growers, if you, or someone you know, have farms that you would like us to reach out to, please contact us. All of our presentations are free, bilingual, and can be tailored to your needs and time.

Campos Seguros Services include:

  • Community outreach
  • Farm worker education
  • Advocacy and information
  • 9 week workshop series


CSYouth Program_12.2016 (002)Our 9-week workshop series is facilitated by Monarch Services Prevention staff with presentations by experts in our community. Concurrent workshops are offered for Adult farmworkers, and teens to increase their knowledge about healthy relationships, gender roles and influences, and prevent intimate partner violence, sexual harassment. Childcare is provided for younger children. On these workshops, families enjoy a complimentary dinner together and learn how to maintain healthy family relationships.

To inquire about workshops or presentations on these or any other topics, please contact the  Prevention Program at 831-425-4030 or email  at Prevention@monarchscc.org


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