Survivor Stories – Julie

Moving from Victim to Survivor

Julie’s husband was unrelenting with his abuse. Ten years of physical and verbal abuse had taken its toll on her. He would repeatedly call her names, belittle her at every opportunity, and make critical remarks about her appearance. She was filled with self-doubt and had reached a point where she couldn’t make a decision without second-guessing herself. Julie was ashamed that she allowed herself to be treated in such an inhumane way, especially in front of her 8-year-old daughter.

One night while she was getting her children ready for bed, an argument ensued because her husband refused to help with the children. He became enraged and hit her with a golf club in front of the children, so forcefully that the golf club broke in half. The next day, Julie fled with her children to our confidential shelter.

When she walked through the doors of Monarch Services, she was taking the first steps in taking her life back. She was also completely broken and very emotional—often finding it difficult to focus. A Shelter Advocate listened to Julie and worked with her to file a restraining order against her husband and find long-term residential options and parenting programs.

A month later, Julie had begun healing and was focused on her children and creating a safe life for the family. She has regained her self-confidence and trusts herself to make important decisions for herself and her children. Julie has made the transformation from domestic violence victim to domestic violence survivor by saying “no more” to the emotional and physical abuse perpetrated by her husband.

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